Barf in the UAE!

Readers rave: "Useless!" "Confusing!" "Willfully obscure." "Nearly incomprehensible." "Give me a break: you think you even _have_ readers? You only update this thing once a year!"

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Location: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Some uncouth readers may think that by "Barf," I'm referrring to the colloquial Americanism for vomit. In fact, dear reader, I mean no such thing. Barf is a marvellous Iranian product, a detergent that makes clothes so white, they're just like barf! (Which, of course, is Persian for 'snow.') I pray for your eternal souls, you poor ignorant things.

16 February 2007


For a moment it seemed as if this country could become a verdant land, as long winter rains greened even this most desolate of places; grass springs from nowhere, like worms in cheese, in places, flowers thick, the world filled with green.

Battuta resisted cheap metaphors of regrowth and rebirth in arid worlds, and yet, and yet, so tempting they were... so tempting...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks truly beautiful.

10:38 AM  

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