The Mystery of Flight

Flying vapors carried him home and in a week-long instant returned him to the land of the sand sea. Mysterious wings and ten thousand meters of nothing lay between as he floated above the frozen lands of Rus, Vikings, Celts, Wabenaki. There and back again and there and back again and yet he still remained… there.
This mystery made possible by capital: adrift above a world where so much went to so few, where people struggled for work and life, as distant above them floated those glutted with comfort, food, entertainment.
Back in the land of the sand sea, hard men fought and twisted metal bars and poured artificial stone into shapes that would sit for centuries, whether water would give them life or not. And in the land of the other, creators of distant wars of choice muttered lies and deceits and steadily twisted what had been into acrid, cruel stone. Could it ever be returned?